Skinny Fat Syndrome in Women: What, Why and How to Fix It

Have you ever wondered how someone can be both skinny and fat at the same time? Is it just a trendy buzzword that fitness influencers use to grab attention, or is it a real medical condition? And why does it seem to affect women more than men? The truth is, the skinny-fat physique is a real thing. It refers to having a higher body fat to muscle ratio, despite appearing thin. In this guide, I’ll dive deep into the mystery of the skinny fat woman body, and show you how to recover from it. I’ll be sharing actual science and personal experience to help you get started. Let’s go!

SKinny fat woman body

What is a Skinny Fat Female Body?

Being skinny fat means that you’re both skinny and fat at the same time. It’s like getting the worst of both worlds. If you’ve ever seen a woman who isn’t overweight or obese but has a protruding belly with normal-looking limbs, then you know exactly what skinny-fat is. Skinny-fat women lack muscle definition and have a disproportionate amount of body fat relative to their body weight.

In the medical industry, doctors refer to this condition as “normal-weight obesity,” “thin-fat phenotype,” or “metabolic obesity.” It’s becoming more common in women in India due to their sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary choices, but genetics and environment also play a role, which we’ll discuss in detail later. This is a serious issue because high visceral fat can cause serious health risks. Specifically, it can lead to poor metabolic health, resulting in higher blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and diabetes despite being apparently skinny.

What is the Body Composition of a Skinny Fat Female?

Skinny fat women may look normal from the outside, but their body composition is far from normal. If a woman has a body mass index (BMI) of 18.5-24.9, but her body fat (BF) percentage is greater than 34%, she falls into the skinny fat category. This just shows that BMI can mislead us when it comes to physical health. Women aged 20 to 39 should have 31%-32% body fat and 29% to 33% muscle mass, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Why is Skinny-Fat Syndrome More Prevalent Among Women?

Because women naturally have a higher fat percentage, they are more likely to be skinny fat than men. Studies have shown that sex hormones play a vital role in the development of this condition.

It’s shocking, but a study found that women with normal weight obesity (skinny fat) tend to store more fat than overweight women. They also have higher blood pressure and lipid levels, and are at greater risk for dyslipidemia and fasting hyperglycemia, which can lead to serious health issues. Skinny fat women are also at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, mortality, and hormonal imbalances.

But don’t worry, you can reverse the skinny fat condition in just a few months with the right training, diet, and mindset. If you’re eager to learn how, you’re in the right place. Keep reading!

How to Know if You’re Skinny Fat?

Now that you know that being thin and having excess fat are the main precursors of skinny fat syndrome, how can you be sure if you’re affected? Let’s explore some ways to find out.

Look in the mirror

Skinny fat woman body

The easiest and most inexpensive way to determine whether you are skinny fat or just skinny is by looking at yourself in the mirror. Typically, skinny fat women exhibit the following traits:

  • They have little to no muscle tone.
  • They have a flabby belly.
  • They have an overall thin body and limbs but carry more fat around their thighs, buttocks, or back.

Do some quick math

You can also estimate your body composition by measuring your shoulder-to-waist ratio. All you need is a measuring tape and some quick math. Ideally, women should aim for a 1.4 shoulder-to-waist ratio.

For instance, if your waist measures 28 inches, your shoulders should measure around 39 inches. If your waist is wider than your shoulders, then you may be skinny fat.

Calculate your body fat percentage (BF)

When it comes to examining overall health, BMI has been the go-to method. However, it falls short when dealing with skinny-fat syndrome because it doesn’t provide a clear picture of body composition. It can over or underestimate the percentage of body fat, which is a critical health indicator.

To really know if you’re skinny fat, the best way is to have your body fat percentage checked. There are several ways to do this:

1) Measure Body Circumference

You can calculate a pretty good estimation of body fat by factoring in circumferences of certain body parts along with weight and height. You can easily find a body fat calculator online, like this one. For women, this method takes into account measurements of the neck, waist, and thighs. However, it’s not exactly accurate because we all have different body shapes and sizes, which the body circumference equation doesn’t consider.

2) Use Skin Fold Calipers

Skinfold calipers measure the thickness of the fatty layer underneath the skin. You can take measurements of different areas around the body by pinching skin folds between the calipers. However, this method requires a basic knowledge of human anatomy, and there the chances of human error are relatively high.

3) Get a DEXA Scan

Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) uses X-rays to figure out your body fat, lean muscle, along with bone density and other health parameters. This is one of the most accurate methods to calculate body fat percentage. However, the downside is that it requires special equipment, which is available only in medical facilities.

Get a blood test

If your body fat percentage indicates that you are skinny fat, the next step is to get a blood test. Skinny fat people are more likely to have health issues such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cholesterol levels, and insulin resistance, which are typically found in obese people, according to a study published in PubMed.

To check your overall metabolic health, common blood tests include measuring your blood pressure, blood sugar (fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c), cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Now that we understand what skinny-fat means and how to diagnose it, let’s explore what causes skinny-fat syndrome in women.

Factors Contributing to Skinny Fat Physique in Women

These are the top five factors that contribute to developing a “skinny fat” physique in women.


If you’re a skinny fat lady, blame it on your genes. In 2003, researchers conducted a study comparing Indian-born babies to those of European descent. They found that Indian babies had less muscle fat but relatively higher subcutaneous fat, suggesting that genetics play a significant role in body composition. Check out the study for more information.

South Asian baby vs. Europid baby

In another study, researchers examined newborn babies and their mothers from Suriname, a South American country whose ancestors came from India many generations ago. They compared them to babies from Southampton and Pune. The study revealed that the “thin-fat phenotype” is still present in the Suriname group, even after many generations of living there. This shows that the problem is much deeper than we initially thought.

Maternal malnutrition and environmental factors, such as sedentary and indoor lifestyle, pollution, and a low-protein vegetarian diet, may contribute to such genetics. However, modern medical knowledge has brought us closer to solving this puzzle.

Diet and nutrition

Let’s not put all the blame on our parents for our body composition. Our diet plays a critical role too. As the saying goes, we are what we eat, and this is especially true for skinny fat women. Women tend to under-eat protein, which is why they are more prone to skinny-fat syndrome. A diet that is high in carbs but low in protein has been shown to lead to inadequate lean muscle mass. To build and repair muscle tissue, the body needs enough protein in the diet. Interestingly, a study found that ultra-processed foods like cereals, biscuits, cakes, and carbonated drinks contribute significantly to uneven fat storage in the body.

We can also see the impact of diet and nutrient by considering the fact that skinny-fat syndrome is more common in South Asians. Part of the reason for this is maternal malnutrition. When pregnant women consume a diet high in fat and carbs but low in protein, it can lead to skinny-fat syndrome in newborn babies.

Studies indicate that South Asian babies have less muscle mass in their arms and legs compared to European babies, yet they still store a lot of fat in their abdomen. That is why it is critical for pregnant women to optimize their diet and nutrition to avoid skinny-fat syndrome in their offspring.

If you’re interested in learning more about maintaining a healthy diet and proper nutrition during pregnancy, check out my detailed guide on Pregnant Women Are Not Eating Enough Protein.

Exercise habits

Skinny fat girls usually fall into two categories: those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and those who do too much cardio. When you don’t do enough weight training and have a poor diet, your muscles don’t get enough stimulus to increase in size. In other words, poor exercise habits are the leading cause of skinny fat syndrome among women.

Lifestyle factors

Your weight is affected by where you live, what you eat, and how active you are. Factors such as income and environment also play a significant role in obesity. Rapid industrialization and ever-increasing job-related stress can wreak havoc on your body. If you have a genetic disposition for the thin-fat phenotype and you aren’t mindful of your lifestyle and habits, you stand no chance.

Dangers of Being a Skinny Fat Girl

Being skinny fat isn’t just about looks. In fact, it can lead to poor metabolic health even if you appear thin. This can result in a range of long-term health problems, which we’ll explore in detail below.

Type 2 Diabetes

Low muscle mass increases the risk for women to develop type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, having a higher amount of lean muscle mass can have a protective effect against insulin resistance by improving glucose uptake in the muscles and promoting insulin sensitivity.

Cardiovascular Disease

Skinny fat women are at a higher risk of ,cardiovascular disease, despite having a normal BMI. This is because visceral fat, which is stored around organs in the abdominal cavity, can lead to inflammation and ,insulin resistance. These conditions can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems.

Mental Health Issues

Being skinny fat can also have negative effects on mental health. Women may feel self-conscious about their appearance and struggle with body image issues. This can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.

Lower Life Expectancy

Studies have shown that being skinny fat reduces life expectancy compared to individuals with a healthy body composition. The combination of low muscle mass and high body fat increases the risk of premature death from all causes including cardiovascular disease, cancer and respiratory diseases.

To sum up, if you’re skinny fat, it’s not just about how you look, it’s also a serious threat to your overall health and wellbeing. Don’t let it go unnoticed. Take action to improve your health and fitness today.

How to Get Rid of Skinny Fat Body?

We’ve discussed the problem enough, it’s time to focus on the solution. Here are five ways you can transform from skinny-fat to strong-fit.

1) Strength Training

Strength training to fix skinny fat woman body

If you’re looking to build muscle mass and reduce fat, resistance training is one of the most effective ways to do this. Strength training can help you get rid of skinny-fat syndrome by:

  • Building muscle: Resistance training targets specific muscles in your body, which increases their size and strength. This will give you a more toned and defined look.
  • Burning fat: Building muscle also increases your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which means that you’ll burn more calories even at rest. This can help reduce the amount of excess fat on your body.
  • Improving insulin sensitivity: Resistance training has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, which can help prevent type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

When designing a strength training program for skinny-fat individuals, there are several ways to go about it. Let’s discuss them briefly below.

Compound Exercises

Compound lifts are a type of strength training that target multiple muscles and joints in your body simultaneously, stimulating better muscle growth. Examples of compound exercises include bench press, shoulder press, push up, pull-up,  squats, and deadlift. They force your body to build muscle all around, resulting in a more well-toned physique. To build muscle using compound exercises, focus on doing 3-5 compound exercises 2-4 times per week. You can easily achieve this by finding a personal trainer and enrolling in their program.


Calisthenics rely solely on your body weight and are excellent for beginners who dread going to the gym or don’t have access to one. By being strong enough to move your own body weight, you can build muscle and reduce excess fat.

The best part? You don’t need to get fancy with calisthenics. Simply mastering three exercises—squats, push-ups, and pull-ups—can reap tremendous benefits. Calisthenics are also easy to recover from and less prone to injuries, making them a consistent and effective way to improve skinny fat syndrome.

There are many calisthenics trainers out there. Find one you like and enroll in their program.


Pilates challenges you with low-impact exercises that build lean muscle mass, core strength, and endurance. You’ll perform slow, controlled movements that target specific muscles in your body. Because it’s low-impact, Pilates is perfect for those with joint pain or injuries. Plus, it focuses on core strength and stability, which can improve your posture and balance.

If you want tips and tricks on how to start doing Pilates, leave a comment or email me and I will get back to you!

2) Diet and Nutrition

Diet and nutrition play an important role in fixing skinny fat woman body

If you’re trying to fix the skinny-fat syndrome, diet is just as important as strength training. To get the best results, focus on increasing your protein intake and balancing your macro and micro nutrients. Here’s how to do it:

Increase your Protein Intake

When you’re building muscle, it’s crucial to get enough protein. Use the chart below to calculate how much you need:

How much protein do you need daily?

For tips on how to get more protein, check out my previous posts:

Balance your Macronutrients

In addition to protein, you need to balance your carbs, fat, and protein. Many Indians tend to overeat carbs and fat and under-eat protein. This can easily lead to a skinny-fat body. Check out my FREE guide on how to do it here: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Balanced Vegetarian Diet (for Indians 🇮🇳)

Balancing your micronutrients

Research shows that not getting enough of certain minerals and vitamins can increase your risk of metabolic disorders like type-2 diabetes and insulin resistance, even if you’re eating the right amount of carbs, fats, and proteins. Unfortunately, modern agriculture and easy access to processed foods mean that we’re consuming more calories than ever before, but we’re not getting the nutrients we need to stay healthy.

Some important micronutrients that can help improve metabolic health include magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, and omega-3 fatty acids. These can be obtained through a balanced diet or supplements under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

3) Check Your Hormonal Health

Think of hormones as body messengers. Special organs called endocrine glands make them, and they control important functions like sleep, growth, reproduction, and digestion. But when hormones get out of whack, it can seriously mess with your fitness goals. Hormonal imbalances can lead to normal-weight obesity and make it tough to gain muscle, which is the opposite of what we’re trying to achieve.

If you’re a skinny-fat woman, it’s especially important to check your hormonal health, paying close attention to your thyroid and cortisol levels. An underactive thyroid can slow down your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. Meanwhile, high cortisol levels can cause your body to store more fat in your abdomen.

4) Stress management

Indian woman stressed out

Dealing with skinny-fat syndrome requires effective stress management. Chronic stress increases cortisol levels, which causes the body to store more fat around the midsection. So, identify the main stressors in your life and seek support from family, friends, or a mental health professional. In addition to maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in strength training, as discussed earlier, you can boost your mood and release happy hormones in the brain by practicing mindfulness meditation, breathwork, and taking nature walks.

5) Sufficient sleep and recovery

If you’re a beginner on a skinny-fat fitness journey, quality sleep is essential for muscle growth after workouts. It’s more beneficial than expensive supplements wrapped in fancy packaging. Prioritizing healthy sleep hygiene allows your central nervous system to recover, aiding in muscle development.

To achieve this, fix your circadian rhythm, which is your body’s internal clock regulating sleep-wake cycles. You can do this by maintaining a consistent sleep routine and exposing yourself to natural light first thing in the morning. This optimizes your circadian rhythm, promoting quality rest and enhancing overall well-being.

Also, avoid bringing smartphones and similar gadgets to bed as their light can affect your melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep.

3 Common Mistakes Skinny-Fat People Make

Now that you know how to overcome a skinny-fat body, let’s explore some common mistakes people make.

1) Too much cardio

Too much cardio is not good for skinny fat woman body
Side view of sporty young woman running on a sidewalk

One common mistake people make is doing lots and lots of cardio. This can negatively affect the body’s ability to gain muscle, as excessive energy expenditure can impede muscle development. If you combine this with a low-protein diet and lack of resistance training, it’s a recipe for rapid muscle loss.

So, skip the cardio and lift weights instead! This will allow you to build enough muscle while also losing excess body fat at the same time.

2) Intense caloric restriction

Caloric restriction no good for Skinny fat woman body

Normal-weight obesity occurs when there’s an imbalance in the body’s muscle-to-mass ratio. To address this, you need to lose fat while building lean muscle mass. This requires consuming enough calories to fuel muscle development. Unlike regular obesity, intense calorie restriction with cardio won’t work for skinny fat people. 

Instead of restricting your food, determine your daily caloric needs based on your activity levels using a simple calculator. Then, figure out your macronutrient breakdown (e.g., 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat) and track your macros to stay disciplined and hit your targets.

3) Eating ultra-processed food (UPF)

Ultra-processed foods (UPF) contain preservatives, sweeteners, artificial flavors, and colors. They’re highly processed and include everyday items like store-bought ice cream, chocolate bars, instant foods, white bread, and biscuits. 

study on Thai women with normal-weight obesity found that they consumed more UPF than their healthy counterparts. This isn’t surprising, as UPF increase the risk of obesity and related cardiovascular diseases. 

To get rid of the skinny fat physique, I recommend cleaning up your diet and consuming nutrient-rich, organic, and home-cooked meals while you train. You can still enjoy ice cream and bread, but make it at home or buy high-quality brands that don’t use junk ingredients.

Remember, it’s important to take it slow and not overwhelm yourself trying to fix your body. Instead of approaching it with anger or frustration, love your body for all it has done for you. This is key to building a healthy body image.

How to Build a Healthy Body Image While Being a Skinny Fat Woman?

Body image is all about how we perceive and feel about our body’s appearance. To successfully transform from skinny-fat to fit, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy body image and stick to a consistent lifestyle. Here are three things you can do to cultivate a healthier body image:

1) Embrace the journey

Instead of solely fixating on getting rid of the skinny fat physique, redirect your mindset towards embracing the fitness lifestyle, enhancing your strength, and achieving greater fitness. Remember, some people are predisposed to having a thin-fat phenotype and may find it more challenging than others, but that’s okay! Show up every day and do your best. This reminds me of a key message from the Bhagavad Gita (2.47):

“Perform your prescribed duties, but don’t feel entitled to the fruits of your actions. Don’t consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, and don’t get attached to not doing your duty.”

2) Setting realistic goals

Feeling good about yourself can be tough when the entertainment and fashion industry sets unrealistic beauty and fitness standards worth billions of dollars. But our bodies are unique and respond differently to external stimuli. That’s why it’s crucial to set realistic goals and consistently work towards them. You won’t become a six-foot, slim Vogue model overnight, no matter how many reps you do. However, with time and effort, you’ll see your progress pay off. You will reach a healthy weight and conquer the skinny fat body type. I promise!

3) Seeking professional help if needed

Notice when you start to criticize yourself more harshly, like when you go from thinking “I need to do something about my hips” to “I am hideous.” Your self-talk is a key indicator of what’s happening in your mind, and it can tell you whether you need help. If you find yourself being too hard on yourself, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you for it.

Final Thoughts

As we wrap up our discussion on the skinny-fat woman’s body, it’s clear that there’s more to it than just a catchy phrase. By understanding how genes, lifestyle, and habits affect us, we’re better prepared to tackle this metabolic syndrome (a.k.a. Skinny-fat syndrome). With the right knowledge, hard work, and support, we can reach our health goals and feel confident in our bodies in no time.

Becoming fit and engaging in regular exercise won’t change your DNA, but it can trigger epigenetic changes in your DNA that influence how your genes work. This can potentially impact the health of future generations.

According to Laurie Goodyear, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School who oversaw this study, parents who have poor nutrition and exercise habits often pass on predispositions to obesity, diabetes, and other metabolic conditions to their children. So, for your own sake and for the sake of your children, start your fitness journey now.

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